Why We Are Here
Christian Services was birthed in 1981 by Helen Warren who had a passion for bringing those with needs together with those who had resources to share. We are proud of our beginning and of the many programs and services we provide for Lancaster County today. Christian Services became a 501(C)3 in 2005 and is unique among local non-profits because oner 75% of our agency operating revenue is generated from our Family Store and Bowling Center. Today our total economic impact to Lancaster County is over $2.6 million with an annual spend under $1 million. Christian Services operates the only Second Harvest Emergency Food Assistance Pantry in Lancaster County, provides Angel Tree Christmas gifts for impoverished children, provides financial support & assistance for Kinship families where grandparents and relatives are raising children of relatives to keep them out of the foster care system, conducts Summer Liberty Camps for teenagers where they bowl and play Mini Golf while learning about the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, Bill of Rights and US Constitution, and we own and operate the Lancaster Bowling Center to meet the need of a gathering place for our community to come together to meet, celebrate, recreate, train, and fellowship. We believe one of the best ways for us to give back to the community is to employee over 25 full-time and part-time employees. We don't focus on utilizing volunteers, but we could use your help, so join the team!

Our Mission
Improving the quality of life of families and children by eliminating barriers to opportunity.
Christian Services is well known in our community for our Food Pantry which in 2023 served 1,826 families totaling 2,935 individuals, 902,696 pounds of food. Our Pantry is the only Emergency Food Assistance Pantry in Lancaster County operating Monday through Thursday from 1:00-4:00 pm and conducts Mobile Food trucks throughout the community. One of our roles in building a stronger, healthier, & more economically vibrant community is to combat food insecurity. The depressed nature of our community is highlighted by the (2) Food Deserts & (2) Opportunity Zones where our Pantry is located, which creates food insecurity for many of our residents, leading to their inability to provide enough food for every person to live an active, healthy life.
Our Angel Tree program, which partners with Prison Fellowship, has provided Christmas gifts and positive Christmas memories for children for over 40 years. Every Christmas over 275 children, some with parents who are incarcerated, receive toys & clothes provided by community individuals, businesses, and churches.
The mission of our newest program, Kin Care, is to meet the immediate needs of Grand and Kinship families by providing emotional support, food, Christmas gifts, clothing and shoes, furniture and household items, life skills classes for caregivers, and recreational opportunities for the children. Our vision is for every kinship family and child to maintain a strong sense of identity and family connection while achieving a stable, positive family experience that will best allow children to reach their full potential. An estimated 2.7 million, 4 percent of all children in the U.S., are being raised by grandparents or other relatives and more than 25% of kids in foster care in South Carolina are placed in licensed kinship care settings.
The Bowling Center we own and operate is not a program, but in many ways it is our heart. It is not a profit center and usually operates at a deficit. Operating at a deficit or breaking even is the original objective with the mission to provide inexpensive recreational opportunities for the community, especially underprivileged. On average the prices in the Center are 20 to 25% cheaper than other facilities and we are exempt from collecting sales tax, saving customers another 10%. We do have a price structure; however, we make pricing accommodations for families and individuals without the financial means, and it is not uncommon to offer free activities or services. When we can allow young children who have never played mini golf or bowled for the first time, that opportunity is priceless.
Lastly, a mainstay of Christian Services is our Family Thrift Store which has a little bit of everything: used furniture, appliances, linens, clothing, shoes, and knick-knacks. The Store also provides clothing and household items without charge for new foster parents, short term emergency victims, individuals recently released from prison, and those individuals referred by other agencies or churches. Our Family Store generates 48% of our revenue so Donate, Shop, & Make a Difference!
Springs Close Foundation
Fabric of the Community Award
To mark the milestones of 70 years of grant making and passing the $100 million mark in grants provided to Chester, Lancaster, and York counties, the Foundation launched the "Fabric of the Community" awards to honor individuals and organizations that uphold Colonel Springs’ legacy of service to others. Christian Services was humbled to be recognized in 2015 as one of only five organizations to receive this coveted award for its 34 years of service to the Lancaster County community.

Leadership Team
Eric Kramer
Executive Director
Ashlee Addison
Business Manager
Angel Tree Director
Jennifer Neal
Pantry Manager
Barbara Bickford
​Store Manager
Calvin Gladden
LBC Manager
Our Board
David Taylor
Angelica Figueroa
Vice Chair
Kenneth Cole
Andrea Campbell
C.T. Kirk
Dr. Altheresa Goode Howard
Natalie Bruno
Angie Wheeler
Sheresa (Pam) Ingram
Bliss Steele
Mary Gutowski

Christian Services is a partner agency of the United Way of Lancaster South Carolina. We THANK the United Way for the thousands of dollars received to help families secure first time housing by assisting with utility and housing deposits and to purchase food for our Food pantry clients. This is an example of "Living United" to improve the lives of our fellow Lancaster citizens by linking community resources with a human need.